Get A Google Review URL To Share With Your Customers

Get A Google Review URL To Share With Your Customers

Brandon Mack October 13, 2021 0 Comments

[kc_row use_container="yes" force="no" column_align="middle" video_mute="no" _id="49125"][kc_column width="12/12" video_mute="no" _id="685763"][kc_column_text _id="337714"]If you have your business set up with Google My Business you're likely receiving reviews from your customers. A common question that follows is usually, "Is there a

Brandon Mack October 10, 2021 0 Comments

If you're like most of the population, you're probably using Facebook. And just like these people, you're probably getting invited to events. Maybe it's a friends birthday, a local concert, some kind of fundraiser, or something else.

Brandon Mack February 15, 2019 2 Comments

Our Scenario We are working on an app called BeeSecure that is being created with the intention of reducing rural crime. Well, rural crime initially but will hopefully do much more than just rural. We have two

Brandon Mack February 19, 2016 1 Comments

The Setup The reason this has started popping up again in articles on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media networks, is because as of recently Google's artificial intelligence (AI) has put together an algorithm that solves the

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