Create A Back Tap Shortcut On The iPhone

Create A Back Tap Shortcut On The iPhone

Brandon Mack October 27, 2021 0 Comments

[kc_row use_container="yes" _id="7940"][kc_column width="12/12" video_mute="no" _id="87081"][kc_column_text _id="761200"]Did you know you can set up actions to trigger when using back tap accessibility feature added in iOS 14? You probably did, otherwise why would you be on this post.

Brandon Mack October 10, 2021 0 Comments

If you're like most of the population, you're probably using Facebook. And just like these people, you're probably getting invited to events. Maybe it's a friends birthday, a local concert, some kind of fundraiser, or something else.

Brandon Mack October 22, 2015 0 Comments

As of yesterday, as in today is Thursday and yesterday was Wednesday, Apple rolled out an iOS update that included a ton of new emojis. You may have seen a few of these pop up here and

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Someone asked me yesterday how to check which apps are killing their battery on their iPhone the quickest. They asked because as of lately, their Snapchat app seems to be a major culprit. One person asked, so

A new feature in iOS9 is causing some unexpectedly large cell phone bills. WiFi Assist is, in theory, something that is supposed to make your internet browsing experience better. When you are experiencing slow, terrible, cafe wifi

I recently purchased an Apple TV and figured there would be a way to stream my existing videos to it. I ended up figuring it out, but had to do a bit of searching myself. Hopefully this

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