LiveCycle ES4 Training Manual
Training manual to get you started with Adobe LiveCycle ES4. What is LiveCycle you ask? LiveCycle gives users the ability to create forms that closely mirror the paper forms they will replace. A unified design environment lets form authors easily lay out templates, incorporate business logic, and preview forms in real time. Authors use an intuitive grid layout and drag-and-drop libraries to position graphics, enter text, and add form objects such as list boxes, drop-down lists, command buttons, and checkboxes. They can then render a single template into multiple formats to suit audience preference, type of data to be captured, or the platform being used.
Lesson 1: Navigating The Application
– Elements Of The Application
Lesson 2: Creating A Basic Form
– Planning Before Creating A Form
– Tab Order
– Objects
Lesson 3: Creating An Advanced Form
– Subforms
– Tables
Lesson 4: Master Pages And Formatting
– Master Pages
Lesson 5: Scripting And FormCalc In Forms
– Script Editor
– Scripting Events
– JavaScript
– FormCalc
– Multiple Page Forms And Scripting
Appendix A
– JavaScript Examples