You want to move your WordPress based blog from to a hosting account that you purchased or a self-hosted location? Perfect, you're in the right place. First, a little background. I recently helped a friend move
First, a little background. I have been instructing Project for quite a while now. Probably since around Project 2003 just before Project 2007 was released. On top of that I have used it quite a bit for
A while back we wrote an article about Snapchat's snapcodes and how they work. It looks like they snuck a little more functionality in when no one was looking. You can now create a snapcode that redirects
Printing a word document with no margins sounds like a fairly easy task but it can be a little tricky depending on your settings. In Word file go to Page Setup Settings - Page Attributes Format for
In the new release of Wordpress, Wordpress 4.5 or Coleman, they have given the option to change the logo on the login page. The only catch is that they need it to be a certain size, and
Usually I post 'how to' articles on things I come across when working with clients hoping it will help others save some time. Sometimes I even post articles on how to use new aspects of social media